Thursday, June 27, 2013

Five Spare Minutes: R

(Cooperative Game)
Ready, Set, Pass!

Have students sit in a circle. Have paper plate for them to pass around the circle, hand to hand and very carefully; try not to drop it! Celebrate passing the plate all the way around with no dropping and careful passing. Second time the plate goes around the circle, put one cotton ball on it. Don’t let it fall! Third time add a paper clip. Fourth time, pass it around in the opposite direction. Fifth time, time them; trying to be very careful and yet, very quick! Must work together. Must cooperate!

R Song
(Teaching, learning, giggling about, or illustrating a song is also a fun way to spend five minutes! The suggested tune for each of these ABC songs is the familiar tune, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Enjoy!)

Rabbit, raccoon, rooster, row,
Radish, reindeer, radio;
Rainbow, rainstorm, referee,
Riddle, rowboat, run with me!
"R" words, they are fun to learn

Now you find one, it's your turn!

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